Monday 20 July 2015

Read & Reviewed: Star Dancer by Beth Webb

Meemaw meemaw meemaw...

Actually getting to this review has taken me far longer than it should have, let me tell you.

The Goddess has warned the druids of evil to come. But she has promised that an untimely shower of stars will mark the birth of one who can stem the tide. Now the druids wait for the prophesied boy, their only hope.

One brilliant night, stars dance across the sky. A child is born, but not the boy the druids expect. Raven-haired and green-eyed, her name is Tegen

 Throughout her childhood, Tegen is rejected by the oldest and most honoured druid - but his own life fades and he finally accepts the truth. Now Tegen must abandon her family and learn the ways of the white-robes. Afraid and confused, she takes comfort from an enchanted silk shawl, and the dazzling magic in her steps. But all the while a ruthless enemy plots to destroy the Star Dancer and let evil out...

Published back in 2006 by MacMillan, Beth Webb's Star Dancer is the first book in a four-part series. As a book, Star Dancer stands to deliver an introduction and begin the story of Tegen, a young girl with a lot of magic, as well as a lot of expectations thrown upon her out of the blue. Once a regular girl of her time, Tegen now has to take on a new life, one where choices are even more limited than before. Here, the life she once lead is lost, and the life that she will lead is only just beginning...

Born under the dancing stars one fateful night, Tegen has a destiny that has been written for her, one she must follow. However there are people out there who will stop at nothing to keep her from the path that was created for her... (Extract from my Goodreads Review)

I bought this book for £1 at a second hand store that I frequent, and honestly, I only bought it because I 1) liked the cover and 2) there was a map inside. This is what it takes to get me to buy books, people. That, and a promising premise, but maps... MAPS!!!

*ahem*... Onto the Review at hand!

Set back in the day, all the way in the British plains during the Iron Age where magic and belief roams the lands, Star Dancer is, in my opinion, a really great introduction to a series that I hope to continue. It is filled with magic, great characters and all things mystical. I really enjoyed reading this, and I won't lie, this book was what I woke up wanting to read, and it was the last thing I wanted to put down at night too. I was hooked, and after reading such drivel that was Tantalize (which I had read alongside this book, actually), you could say that Star Dancer was my God-send.
 And I have to say that, yeah, it was. It truly saved me from boredom.

I'm a lover of all things magical anyway, so Star Dancer as a book was already right up my alley, but what made it great was both the writing and the diverse amount of characters present, as well as the varying emotions the book made me feel. It's been a while since I have felt such disgust and anger towards a certain character, but Webb's way of writing allowed me to truly loathe a character once again, but also to fall in love with her style and the world that she has created.

Webb, thank goodness, does not create a perfect character - each has their downfalls, and each has their good points. Even the bad guys, however despicable they may be, have their talents that others acknowledge - the Wise Woman Derowen is clever and talented in the ways of magic and potion making, whilst Tegen, our protagonist, is nothing more than a child, scared and helpless in many ways, but also brave and confident as well, despite her circumstances or her vulnerability at times. All of the characters, no matter who they may be, have their merits and feel well-rounded; in short, they're very well written, making these characters I read within these pages feel human, something you rarely find in modern-day fiction with all the Mary-Sue's and Marty Stu's present.

The Map that started it all... -drools over Maps-
I genuinely enjoyed this book, and though it felt a little straight-forward at times, like there truly was no beating around the bush here, I know that this book is meant for teenagers. It's an easy read, if anything, but it's still engrossing and it still kept me up at night until the sun peeked through my curtains. No matter what, I wanted to know more until I had finished the book in its entirety, and even now, I still want to know what will happen to Tegen in its sequel. That, however, is for another day entirely.

I'd say the only thing I found a bit disappointing was that the great evil stated within the book fell a little in my eyes; it felt rushed and anti-climatic, leaving me with a craving for something more, something that did not come to be. Still, the book held on its own, despite this, and the great array of characters and Tegen's development were good enough to save the story for its one downfall.
 I just hope that, once I begin to read the sequel, Webb has since improved upon the anti-climatic evil she had built up to in this first novel.

I enjoyed Star Dancer and found it to be a promising start to a journey that I hope to continue. Yes, it's easy to read, but it's gripping and enjoyable for anyone who hopes to read it, I am sure. This may not be the best book I have ever read, but it provided me with many hours of wonderful reading material, and has enticed me into continuing the series. I find it wonderful, and I am extremely happy that I bought this book and enjoyed it as much as I have!

If you wish to, you can read my shortened review of Star Dancer on Goodreads HERE. Now though, it's time to get back to the world of Fantasy, and read a little more...

Until next time, I hope that when we meet again, we have read more and enjoyed our books in full! Keep reading, writing and enjoying life everyone! May the Books be with you, always!


  1. I am reeeealllly considering reading this one. That is just one gorgeous book.

    1. Sadly, this version is out of print ;A; I have Fire Dreamer with the similar cover, in red, however they changed the bloomin' covers for both the 3rd and 4th book, and they ugleh!
